Dr. gaudiani Educational content
Dr. Gaudiani
Dr. Jennifer Gaudiani is a medical doctor that specializes in the treatment of Eating Disorder Recovery. Her practice is located in Denver, Colorado. She is a great resource so please get familiar with her work!
Dr. Gaudiani works at the Gaudiani Clinic.
Some videos from Dr. G. can be found on this page of the clinic’s website (which may require significant time to load fully) or directly on the Gaudiani Clinic Youtube channel.
Please read the following blog post: Weight Goals in Anorexia Nervosa Treatment by Dr. Gaudiani
Dr. G reads excerpts from her book
Here is a link to her book, listed on Amazon (Sick Enough: A Guide to the Medical Complications of Eating Disorders).
Here's the entire series of read-aloud video sessions:
Dr. G. Read-aloud from Sick Enough: Chapter 1 (8:01 minutes)
Ch. 1 Knowledge Check
True or False: The elimination diet that had been instructed by the dietitian would never happen with a dietitian who had expertise in eating disorders.
- True
- False
True or False: The elimination diet that had been instructed by the dietitian was considered an appropriate strategy for the little girl.
- True
- False
Dr. G. Read-aloud from Sick Enough: Chapter 2 (5:18 minutes)
Ch. 2 Knowledge Check
True or False: The house on fire is a metaphorical story made specifically for anorexia nervosa patients to help combat the delusion that they are fine.
- True
- False
Dr. G. Read-aloud from Sick Enough: Chapter 3 (5:08 minutes)
Ch. 3 Knowledge Check
True or False: When a patient with an eating disorder is told not to exercise, it validates their eating disorder.
- True
- False
True or False: Asking patients to perform physical activity reinforces their eating disorder perception that movement is for burning calories.
- True
- False
Dr. G. Read-aloud from Sick Enough: Chapter 4 (9:01 minutes)
Ch. 4 Knowledge Check
True or False: If maximizing for productivity isn’t necessarily the right thing to do, then rest and recharge will prove to be much more productive.
- True
- False
True or False: Having the ability to say yes to something you care about and saying no to your other priorities is one way to keep your energy expenditure balanced.
- True
- False
Dr. G. Read-aloud from Sick Enough: Chapter 5 (5:51 minutes)
Ch. 5 Knowledge Check
True or False: Those that become an appreciative achiever do not achieve as much or live up to their own expectations.
- True
- False
True or False: Our souls need to receive acknowledgment when we’ve done something. That accomplishment doesn’t have to be big or important, it just needs to be recognized.
- True
- False
Dr. G. Read-aloud from Sick Enough: Chapter 6 (5:50 minutes)
Ch. 6 Knowledge Check
True or False: Meal plans that include ”fear foods” are considered more dangerous than restriction.
- True
- False
True or False: Some patients who became ill during adolescence not only need to recover from anorexia nervosa, but also go through adolescence during their 20s and 30s.
- True
- False
Dr. G. Read-aloud from Sick Enough: Chapter 7 (5:23 minutes)
Ch. 7 Knowledge Check
True or False: The failure of doing the psychological tasks of “I know how I feel,” “I’m kind to that feeling,” and “I can soothe myself” may turn into an eating disorder.
- True
- False
True or False: Both sides of the patient (coin) typically gains the same amount of attention.
- True
- False
Dr. G. Read-aloud from Sick Enough: Chapter 8 (3:26 minutes)
Ch. 8 Knowledge
True or False: Implementing recovery work gives patients the ability to stop acting on their own mental illness.
- True
- False
True or False: Distance between their current life and their actual ability to live the well version of themselves validates the presence of the illness.
- True
- False
Dr. G. Read-aloud from Sick Enough: Chapter 9 (4:01 minutes)
Ch. 9 Knowledge Check
True or False: The first step is to recognize when we are being self-critical, then we are able to reframe the situation.
- True
- False
True or False: Labeling a harsh experience as painful instead of judging it, can offer comfort and the ability to release it and move on.
- True
- False
Dr. G. Read-aloud from Sick Enough: Chapter 10 (6:12 minutes)
Ch. 10 Knowledge Check
True or False: The industry powerfully draws out people’s insecurities in order to sell them the solution.
- True
- False
True or False: Highly palatable and less nutritious foods are consistently marketed toward poor communities, both of color and upper-class white neighborhoods.
- True
- False
Dr. G. Read-aloud from Sick Enough: Chapter 11 (2:45 minutes)
Ch. 11 Knowledge Check
True or False: Patients who feel helpless and stuck in recovery may not be able to be self-directed due to feeling anxious, stressed, and malnourished.
- True
- False
True or False: The patient needs to be able to proactively seek and accept a solution and not resist the treatment.
- True
- False
Dr. G. Read-aloud from Sick Enough: Chapter 12 (3:13 minutes)
Ch. 12 Knowledge Check
True or False: In moments where the patient is failing to improve, it is important to continue to be with them and help them find answers while they are with the doctor.
- True
- False
True or False: When the next step for the patient is unknown, there is the option to walk with them on the journey to find answers to relief of their symptoms and make thoughtful, evidence-based decisions together.
- True
- False
Dr. G. Read-aloud from Sick Enough: Conclusion, Part I (4:27 minutes)
Dr. G. Read-aloud from Sick Enough: Conclusion Part II (4:19 minutes)
Dr. G. Read-aloud from Sick Enough: Conclusion Part III (4:16 minutes)
Dr. G. Read-aloud from Sick Enough: Conclusion Part IV (6:10 minutes)
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