Client type
Adult (18+)
Minor (aged 0-18)
Client name
First Name
Last Name
Client Date of Birth
Client pronouns
Client email address
Client phone number
Guardian's email, enter N/A if 18+
Guardian's phone, enter N/A if 18+
I'm interested in:
Select the services you're interested in below; for the best progress, we recommend a team approach—including therapy, nutrition support, and group participation.
Joining a Group
I'm not sure yet
Reason for seeking therapy and/or nutritional counseling?
If you are seeking nutritional counseling and plan to use your insurance, please provide us with a medical or mental health diagnosis, as your insurance may require this information. And let us know of your presenting issue or why you're starting work with us.
General availability ~ mark all that apply
Weekday morning (7am-12pm)
Weekday afternoon (1pm-4pm)
Weekday evening (5pm-8pm)
We have limited weekend availability (Saturday or Sunday)
Will you be using health insurance?
Yes - BCBS PPO or Choice PPO
Yes - Medicare
Yes - United Healthcare
Yes - Out of network
No - Self pay
Insurance plan name, enter N/A if self pay.
Subscriber's first and last name, enter N/A if self pay
Subscriber's Date of Birth, enter N/A if self pay
Who is the primary subscriber?
Patient's spouse
Patient's parent
If other, please explain
Member ID (please include ALL LETTERS & NUMBERS), enter N/A if self pay
Group number (please include ALL LETTERS & NUMBERS), enter N/A if self pay
Front of Insurance Card, skip if self pay *
Back of Insurance Card, skip if self pay *
Have you ever been a previous client of Nourishment Works?
At this time we have limited in-person availability. Please let us know your preference and we will do our best to accommodate your request.
Virtual Telehealth session
In-person session
Either works for me