PCOS and eating recovery care


[Video] Understanding PCOS and ED Risk (66 minutes)

PCOS & ED Knowledge Check

What macronutrient, when eaten within 2 hours of going to bed at night and within 1 hour of waking in the morning, can decrease insulin resistance in PCOS?

  • Protein
  • Fat
  • Carbohydrate
  • Fiber

What benefit can inositol have for those with PCOS?

  • Reduces hypertension and inflammation
  • Improves insulin and androgen hormone levels
  • Can restore ovulation
  • All of the above

Why might weight loss actually worsen PCOS long term?

  • Weight cycling can increase insulin resistance
  • Dieting increases cortisol which increases inflammation
  • Can lead to disordered eating behaviors
  • All of the above