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Gifts of imperfection workshop
The following is additional information to help you decide if this workshop is a good fit!
Kate is a Certified Daring Way™ Facilitator offering a workshop to guide individuals through the 10 guideposts of wholehearted living and discover how incorporating these guideposts can foster recovery. This is a personal growth opportunity that will allow participants to learn about each guidepost and uncover how to cultivate them fully into daily life. It is not required but recommended that you have read The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are by Brené Brown before or during this workshop.
Brené Brown’s 10 Guideposts for Wholehearted Living
Cultivating Authenticity: Letting Go of What People Think
Cultivating Self-Compassion: Letting Go of Perfectionism
Cultivating a Resilient Spirit: Letting Go of Numbing and Powerlessness
Cultivating Gratitude and Joy: Letting Go of Scarcity and Fear of the Dark
Cultivating Intuition and Trusting Faith: Letting Go of the Need for Certainty
Cultivating Creativity: Letting Go of Comparison
Cultivating Play and Rest: Letting Go of Exhaustion as a Status Symbol and Productivity as Self-Worth
Cultivating Calm and Stillness: Letting Go of Anxiety as a Lifestyle
Cultivating Meaningful Work: Letting Go of Self-Doubt and “Supposed To”
Cultivating Laughter, Song, and Dance: Letting Go of Being Cool and “Always in Control”
From The Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown. Copyright © 2010 by Brené Brown
During our first workshop sessions we will co-create activities to get us connected, build safety and get clarity of the group’s needs. Each remaining week, we will move through various activities that will allow us to unpack each guidepost along with assignments that will help solidify and build upon wholehearted strengths in an experiential way. In a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere, we will have space for checking in and as we end we will have space for sharing and closure.
This workshop series is currently being offered virtually and is 6 weeks in length. The facilitator for this workshop has completed an extensive training process with Dr. Brené Brown and her team to understand and teach this curriculum. Kate is a Certified Daring Way™ Facilitator and a Certified Psychodramatist allowing her to bring years of knowledge around guiding groups of individuals along this path of wholehearted recovery. Please reach out to with questions, we are happy to help you get the support you need.
~The Nourishment Works Team